The Digital Publishing Dilemma
Global Challenges in Knowing and Being Known in the Digital Marketplace
In the rush to ramp-up, keep-up, and stay on top of the technology and marketing challenges required to compete in today’s growing global eBook market, the publishing community faces two significant ‘digital dilemmas’ — that of a clear set of metrics to analyze or ‘know’ the market… and that of making sure consumers can find or ‘know’ what they have to offer.
Beat Barblan
Director of Identifier Services, R.R. Bowker
Beat Barblan serves as Director of Identifier Services at RR Bowker. He is responsible for such identifier asset management and discoverability solutions as ISBN, ISTC, ISNI and DOI. Bowker is a business unit of ProQuest.Mr. Barblan joined Bowker in 2007 as Product Manager for the company’s Supply Chain business, overseeing new development and maintenance for Pubnet and PubEasy, the publishing industry’s premier electronic ordering tools, and PubEasySchool, the new Bowker K12 product. Prior to joining Bowker, Mr. Barblan was Sr. Product Manager at Wolters Kluwer / Ovid where he helped launch the OvidSP platform.
Kelly Gallagher
VP of Publishing Services, RR Bowker
Kelly Gallagher serves as VP of Publishing Services at RR Bowker. In this role he manages the implementation of a host of Bowker business intelligence services, including the PubTrack consumer research panel reaching over 40,000 ‘e’ and ‘p’ book consumers. For the past year, he has been leading a team of researchers on a three-year initiative for the Book Industry Study Group to study consumer attitudes toward e-devices and digital content. This long-term trended study looks at consumer purchases on a quarterly basis as it seeks to understand the rate and shift to digital content. In addition to managing the consumer research panel, he oversees sales data collection and analytics tools for the higher education and religious book markets for Bowker. Beyond his role at Bowker, Kelly also serves as Research Chair for the BISG.