Understanding distribution deals and sales models
Presented by Rick Joyce, Chief Marketing Officer, Perseus Book Group
Some ebook deals are more complicated than they seem. A distributor’s payment to a publisher is a percentage of what is received from the channel partner, but then it is important to understand the underlying deal; there is no guarantee that all distributors get the same deal. In some cases it is possible for a new ebook publisher to do some channels directly and pay the distributor percentage only on the others. In this presentation from Rick Joyce, the nuances of these deals are informed by the vast experience of Constellation, one of the most experienced digital distributors in this very new field.
Rick Joyce is the Chief Marketing Officer of the Perseus Books Group, involved in growth and digital strategy development. Rick is a co-creator of Constellation, the industry leading one-stop digital solution for independent publishers. He was the force behind theBook:The Sequel at BEA 2009, the pioneering transmedia sensation Cathy’s Book, and enhanced projects like JFK:50 Days and Roots: The Enhanced Edition. Rick is a veteran of 20+ years in media, as a partner at Accenture, VP of Marketing at ASCAP, and a consultant at Booz Allen. Rick has a Dartmouth BA, a Columbia MBA, a New School MFA, and 5 children.