Marketing + Publishing Services Conference & Expo
On September 26, Publishers Launch Conferences will join forces with Digital Book World to present the Marketing + Publishing Services Conference & Expo.
The Marketing Conference is a full-day dedicated event that presents a comprehensive strategy for marketing in the digital age. That show is being planned in conjunction with former Random House marketing VP Peter McCarthy. Pete will kick off the day with a paradigm for modern book marketing, outlining the three big “buckets” of marketing activity (B2B, B2C known, and B2C unknown), describing the 22 discrete activities that constitute holistic marketing today, and presenting an agile marketing methodology for using data and research to plan and optimize campaigns.
From that strategic overview, the show will flow to more granular and tactical sessions later in the day. Topics include: getting and using consumer data; building and managing customer databases; how to maximize all of the various marketing tools, servi
The Publishing Services Expo offers three finely-targeted “mini-conferences” focused on Editorial and Production; Digital Asset Management and Distribution; and Rights and Royalties. Each track is an affordably priced, efficiently programmed two-and-half-hour session that pairs concise educational sessions with vendor speed dating to learn about new solutions.
Each program (the Marketing show plus all of the Publishing Services segments) will include a “speed-dating” session for attendees to meet in small groups with vendors and topic area experts. Sponsor table will also be set up all day on the Expo floor, and ample break time will bring attendees from both shows to those tables.