Sarah Faulder
CEO, Publishers Licensing Society (PLS)
Sarah Faulder was appointed Chief Executive of the Publishers Licensing Society (PLS) in 2010. Her background is in copyright and she has extensive music industry knowledge and experience through her representation of various interests in the business and predominantly songwriters, composers and music publishers.
Sarah began as a solicitor specializing in copyright, rising quickly to partnership in 1986 in City law firm Taylor Joynson Garrett. Sarah moved into the music industry in 1997 when she was appointed Chief Executive of the Music Publishers Association. She later took up an appointment in Paris as Chargée de Mission for CISAC and BIEM, the umbrella organisations for royalty collecting societies from all over the world, before being invited to fill a newly formed role as Public Affairs Director of the UK royalty collecting societies, PRS and MCPS (2006 – 2009). She has particular experience of both Whitehall and Brussels through representing her respective constituents.
Sarah is Chair of the Bliss Trust. She has been President of the IAEL (International Association of Entertainment Lawyers) and on several Boards, including British Music Rights and the British Copyright Council. Sarah has written and spoken extensively on legal and music industry issues.
Website: Publishers Licensing Society