Speaker Resource Center

Thank you for joining us as a speaker at Publishers Launch Conferences. You may find important information below

Speaker Profile

Edit your online profile, including a/v permissions, photo, bio, links, and contact information. You may access and update your information at any time (and/or assign a designee to do so on your behalf).

You must be logged in to the site to view your profile. When you were confirmed as a speaker, you should have received log-in credentials from events@publisherslaunch.com (subject line: “[Publishers Launch] Your username and password”).

You may reset your password here, or contact us if you’re having any trouble accessing the system.

Speaker Information and Guidelines

Our detailed speaker guidelines, including terms and conditions of your participation, are posted for your reference. Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.

Conference Registration

Speakers receive complimentary admission to each Publishers Launch event at which they participate. We will handle your Launch registration and will pass along any special instructions for access to the event.

While we hope you can join us for the full show, we ask that you arrive at least half an hour prior to your scheduled start time.

Program Book

For each Publishers Launch event, we produce a highly-rated program book, with supplementary essays, a speaker directory, and detailed program information. Books are made available to attendees in print and digital form.

The speaker directory will include only public information such as your name, title, company, website and Twitter handle.

If you are interested in submitting an article for the book, please contact us immediately. Editorial content must be received one month prior to the event for inclusion in the printed book.

Conference A/V

We run all of our conference visuals from a Windows machine and prefer presentations to be in PowerPoint or PDF format. If appropriate, speakers are welcome to bring an iPad, Mac, or other machine of their own with prior approval. 

While we provide wifi access at all of our shows, we generally do not have a wired broadband connection. Live demos and web-enabled presentations are not recommended.

For conversation and panel format sessions, we prepare walk-in slides with speaker name, title, and company information.  Panelists are generally not asked to prepare individual presentations.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about a/v for your session.