Rick Joyce
Rick is the Chief Marketing Officer for the Perseus Books Group, and has been involved since 2004 in the growth and digital strategies for the company. Rick is one of the co-creators of Constellation, the one-stop digital solution for independent publishers, and serves on its Leadership Team. He was the force behind the BEA 2009 experiment known as Book:The Sequel crashing a book in all formats from the show floor, and the pioneering NY Times Bestseller and transmedia sensation Cathy’s Book: If Found, Call 650-266-8233. Rick has also been the producer of enhanced books and apps like JFK:50 Days and Roots: The Enhanced Edition.
Prior to Perseus, Rick was a strategy partner at Accenture, working in publishing, music, magazines and newspapers for clients like Simon & Schuster, Viacom, Harper Collins, Houghton Mifflin, Tribune Corp, the AAP, Primedia, and Disney. Rick was VP of Strategy and Marketing at ASCAP, and a consultant at Booz Allen & Hamilton in their Media practice. Rick has a B.A. from Dartmouth College, and MBA from Columbia and an MFA from the New School.
Rick can be reached at rick.joyce [at] perseusbooks.com