Publishers Launch: Children’s Books at Digital Book World In January 2012
For the first time, we present a full-day US conference just for children’s publishers, addressing the special digital opportunities and challenges they face as ereading tablets take off. Publishers Launch DBW: Children’s Publishing Goes Digital opens the week of activity around Digital Book World 2012, on Monday, January 23, the day before the big DBW Conference (programmed by Publishers Launch Conferences) starts.
The takeoff of tablets and the proliferation of smart phones are igniting opportunities for digital children’s books — interactive ebooks, apps, learning products and online communities — that are vastly different from both the maturing adult ebook market and traditional children’s board books and chapter books. A flood of new entrants is reinventing — and supplementing — children’s publishing, from classic illustrated story books through to middle grade and YA. Children’s Publishing Goes Digital looks closely at this disruption and how the marketplace for children’s content will change in the coming year, and what publishers need to know about this new continuum of content, games, animation and interactivity.
See the full program.
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[…] into something akin to what they were doing. (A slew of these companies will be on stage for our “Publishers Launch Children’s Books at Digital Book World” conference on January 23, co-located with the big Digital Book World […]
[…] of e-books. Even the children’s market will be looked at; a co-located all-day conference, Children’s Publishing Goes Digital will be sponsored by the Publisher’s Launch Conference. on Monday, January 23. A panel of […]
[…] into something akin to what they were doing. (A slew of these companies will be on stage for our “Publishers Launch Children’s Books at Digital Book World” conference on January 23, co-located with the big Digital Book World […]
[…] January, for the Publishers Launch DBW: Children’s Publishing Goes Digital conference, CCC’s Michael Healy noted that “CCC is responding to the new digital marketplace […]
[…] that puts artists directly in touch with consumersLorraine Shanley, organizer of the day long Children’s Publishing Goes Digital event at Digital Book World on January 23 in New York City summed up the day by saying, that […]